Take off your shoes and feel the Earth beneath your feet.

Please, rest a while.

A collection of 5000 real time generated digital artworks bringing the meditative aura of the garden into the virtual age (banner/wallpaper compatible).

50% of all profits from all mints, and secondary sales, will be donated to forest regeneration. From each mint, 10 trees will be planted.

GARDEN PROJECT is looking to make an impact in the real world too. We are working towards a physical garden, with the hopes of creating a beautiful public space that can be enjoyed by everyone.

Each year, our planet loses the equivalent of 127 New York Cities, or 1 entire South Korea (100,000km2), of natural forest to deforestation. Without immediate action, this number is set to increase.

In order to play our part in minimising the effects of the climate crisis, 50% of all profits from GARDEN PROJECT will go to a non-profit organisation targeting forest regeneration (TBA) directly from the smart contract after each mint. 10 trees will be planted per mint totalling 50,000 trees for 5000 mints.

GARDEN PROJECT withheld from launching until the Ethereum network had moved from 'Proof of Work' to 'Proof of Stake' to avoid contributing to any environmental harm.

As the real trees germinate, GARDEN PROJECT generates.

Over a 7 day period, your garden will grow frame by frame until arriving at its final form.

Once all gardens have fully flowered, the GARDEN PROJECT will focus on IRL garden acquisition. The garden will be designed by the community and the land will be open to all. We cannot wait to build the GARDEN PROJECT with you! - The Gardener♥

The generation of each GARDEN is a week long process. Each artwork will update each day for 7 days, until the final GARDEN is revealed.

Each artwork will birth random flora that synthesise with the unique pot to create a personal GARDEN that is yours to cherish.

Upon minting out, GARDEN PROJECT will invest in IRL land, with an emphasis on the natural landscape and community. We will build a physical GARDEN that can be enjoyed by all. More details to come.